There will be a distinct time in your life where you will arrive at a crossroads…

Janet Vella
3 min readOct 29, 2020
Photo by Justin Luebke on Unsplash

A very distinct one with 2 direct pathways.

Very obvious strands.

Two directions to your destination.

They will both take you there but you will have a completely different outcome and you will arrive differently too.

The two pathways I’m talking about can only be seen by the one who has already taken many steps to get here.

Not easy going steps….stormy and not so sublime.

The two pathways will carry 2 distinct forms of pain.

The pain of staying exactly where you are, in the same situation carrying the same feelings on your heart, your body and your spirit or a pain which comes from the sheer discomfort of disconnecting yourself from your known state of being, doing and living. The pain of turning your back to a warm, comfortable, known situation that may simply be misleading you away from your true soul path.

The pain of staying where you are or the pain of leaving it.

Distinct and phenomenally real but you will reach it.

What life usually does when you’re on the comfort path and intending to stay in it, is send you little warning signs, maybe distinct ill health, whispers in your ears or subtle voices in your head just to help you out.

You know things are twisted but you may be too scared to admit it or even leave it.

Again it is up to you to pay attention or not.

You have choices.


It will start to give you an indication of what one pathway will bring but it will not show you what the other path has in store.

This is when trust in spirit comes in.

One path is known, the other is unknown.

And the only thing that will ever bring you into the unknown away from the stagnant known is SELF TRUST.

Trust in yourself making a distinct decision.

The known road may contain a relationship that is draining your soul, a job that is killing your spirit, a body that is heavy and unhealthy, a home that does not align with foundation, a country that has no space for one like you.

I could go on.

The known also contains all that you have invested for all these years.

The unknown is just that — you stepping into the path of the soul.

Dark, mysterious and a tad scary but will transform and evolve you from the initial shadowy phase right through to the life you originally designed for yourself.

Just like the path you took on your own when your mother’s womb propelled you out into this world.

It’s a similar path.

You took it alone when you were a teeny tiny creature and you may need to take it again.

Taking it again with the same contractions, not from your birth mother but from life itself.

You’re gonna feel HER pushing you and you’re not gonna like it. You won’t like leaving the warm waters that surround you.

The difference is that now you can choose to stay in those warm waters or jump into a cold ocean — vast, massive, spacious bit of water.

And you know what both waters will bring and you will choose.

Courage, centredness, conviction, creativity and sheer self connection are all needed. An ‘eyes closed’ alignment to all of that, so you are fully present when the decision punches you in your gut. A flame will be felt and it will soulfully propel one foot into that unknown.

It’s phenomenally scary, take it.



Janet Vella

Catharsis, alchemy, rebirth, self undoing, symbolic knowledge, life guidance, initiations, ancestral trauma, prosperity, power. healing and balance